New Coffee Shop to open in St Peter’s
Published: 31st March 2023 | St Peter’s Marlborough
As part of the national ‘warm spaces’ initiative St Peter’s had its doors open to all throughout the Winter, reaffirming how spaces such as St Peter’s can play a vital role in supporting the community. In addition, the Board of Trustees recognised the benefits to the community of being able to offer a coffee shop within our building.
Therefore, we are pleased to announce the opening of the Cardinal Coffee Shop, Saturday 22nd April! This is the first time that the Trust has set up a separate trading operation that is 100% owned by the Charity with all profits going to meet our charitable objectives of maintaining our wonderful church building and providing an active and engaging community hub.
The Cardinal Coffee shop will be open six days a week, Monday through Saturday and offer high quality coffee, teas, cakes, and sweet and savoury snacks at great prices. Special discounts and promotions for new and existing Charitable Trust members will be available. Local suppliers will be used where possible, starting with cakes baked in Marlborough less than a five-minute walk away and milk from a Marlborough dairy.
AnnMarie Newbigin, the new Chair at St Peter’s offers the Trust’s perspective, “This is a really exciting time for St Peter’s. Having welcomed the community in as part of our warm space initiative, the Trust is committed to keeping the doors of our historic building open and providing a variety of ways to engage with both our local residents and visitors. In this approach, we are carrying on the original intentions of the Trust responsible for saving St Peter’s church from being a roundabout in the 1970s!
With the St Peter’s events team working hand in hand with the Coffee Shop, Sara Jayne Donaldson the new events manager explains how the two can support each other. “My role here is to help raise the funds required to keep the building open now, and for generations to come. A fresh new events programme accompanied by some great coffee in a beautiful setting are perfect reasons to visit the West end of the High Street”.