St Peter's Marlborough

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Sound Knowledge by arrangement with Outsider Artists present Nick Harper.
Shop favourite and acclaimed singer-songwriter/guitarist Nick Harper will be playing St. Peter’s on Saturday 30th March 2024 in a triumphant homecoming for the “acoustic Hendrix” as part of his Tempus Fugitive tour.
Nick will need no introduction to most of you- he’s one of the shop’s most-capped performers but, if you’re yet to catch him at one of our instores, on one of his frequent tours or acclaimed Edinburgh Fringe runs, this is not a normal ‘one man and guitar’ show. In a new, uniquely styled, acoustically driven album and live show, Nick explores the past, present and future in his own singular way. Expect everything from the emotional to the political, from witty to virtuosic; the singular to the universal.
New album Tempus Fugitive follows up recent successful sojourns back in time to explore swinging 60s London (58 Fordwych Rd); 19th century Fantasy literature and 1980s West Country romance (Phantastes) and an epic poem lost in time (A Wiltshire Tale) and manages to spin thematic elements of them all into a dizzying, fluid and funky LP.
We’re pleased to confirm that joining Nick as support on the night is Andrew Rumsey. The singer-songwriter and Anglican Bishop of Ramsbury, whose work as lead bishop for church and cathedral buildings has fed into his writing on the relationship between theology and place, will be playing some songs from from the acclaimed ‘Evensongs’ released earlier this year on Gare du Nord Records.
Doors – 7.30pm
Andrew Rumsey – 8pm
Nick Harper – 9pm
Tickets £16-advanced

Buy your tickets here

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